October 1, 2020: We are pleased to announce
that the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration
(DOE/NNSA) has selected the Pecos Center as a multidisciplinary simulation center within the Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program (PSAAP) III. Additional information on the PSAAP III program is available
Publications and presentations related to the ICP torch project that have been completed since the project began are listed here. In addition, a list of software repositories released to the public by project team members is provided below.
Chao Chen, Tianyu Liang and George Biros.
RCHOL: Randomized Cholesky Factorization for Solving SDD Linear Systems.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
March 2021.
Nader Al Awar, Steven Zhu, George Biros, and Milos Gligoric.
A Performance Portability Framework for Python.
International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS 2021)
June 2021.
Shane A. McQuarrie, Parisa Khodabakhshi, and Karen E. Willcox.
Non-Intrusive Reduced-Order Models for Parametric Partial Differential Equations via Data-Driven Operator Interference.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
October 2021.
Ghadeer Alabandi, Jelena Tesic, Lucas Rusnak, and Martin Burtscher.
Discovering and Balancing Fundamental Cycles in Large Signed Graphs.
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
November 2021.
Dan Fries, Noel Clemens, and Philip Varghese.
Time Dynamics of an Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch.
AIAA Scitech Forum 2022
January 2022.
James Almgren-Bell, Nader Al Awar, Dilip Geethakrishnan, Milos Gligoric, and George Biros.
A Multi-GPU Python Solver for Low-Temperature Non-Equilibrium Plasmas.
June 2022.
Mengwu Guo, Shane A. McQuarrie, and Karen E. Willcox.
Bayesian operator inference for data-driven reduced-order modeling.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
July 2022.
Ghadeer Alabandi and Martin Burtscher.
Improving the Speed and Quality of Parallel Graph Colors.
September 2022.
Milinda Fernando, David Neilsen, Eric Hirschmann, Yosef Zlochower, Hari Sundar, Omar Ghattas, George Biros.
A GPU-Accelerated AMR Solver for Gravitational Wave Propagation.
November 2022.
Hochan Lee, William Ruys, Ian Henriksen, Arthur Peters, Yineng Yan, Sean Stephens, Bozhi You, Henrique Fingler, Martin Burtscher, Milos Gligoric, Karl Schulz, Keshav Pingali, Christopher Rossbach, Mattan Erez, George Biros.
Parla: a Python orchestration system for heterogeneous architectures.
November 2022.
James Almgren-Bell, Nader Al Awar, Dilip S Geethakrishnan, Milos Gligoric, George Biros.
A Multi-GPU Python Solver for Low-Temperature Non-Equilibrium Plasmas.
November 2022.
Mengwu Guo, Shane A. McQuarrie, and Karen E. Willcox.
Bayesian operator inference for data-driven reduced-order modeling.
December 2022.
Matteo Croci, Karen Willcox, Stephen J. Wright.
Multi-output multilevel best linear unbiased estimators via semidefinite programming.
January 2023.
Dan Fries, Spenser Stark, John S Murray, Noel Clemens, Philip Varghese, Rajkumar Bhakta, Elijah R Jans, Sean Kearney.
CARS in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch, Part 1: High Temperature Nitrogen Thermometry.
January 2023.
Sean P Kearney, Rajkumar B Bhakta, Dan Fries, John S Murray, Spenser Stark, Noel Clemens, Philip Varghese.
CARS in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch, Part 2: Temperature and Carbon- Monoxide Measurements in the Reaction Layer of a Graphite Ablator.
January 2023.
Shane McQuarrie, P Khodabakhshi, and Karen E. Willcox.
Non-intrusive reduced-order models for parametric partial differential equations via data-driven operator inference.
March 2023.
Dan Fries, Spenser Stark, John S Murray, Rajkumar Bhakta, Elijah R Jans, Noel T Clemens, Philip L Varghese, Sean P Kearney
Nitrogen thermometry in an inductively coupled plasma torch using broadband nanosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering.
Applied Optics.
October 2023.
Ghadeer Alabandi, William Sands, George Biros, and Martin Burtscher.
A GPU Algorithm for Detecting Strongly Connected Components.
November 2023.
Dan Fries, Spenser T. Stark, John S. Murray, Noel T. Clemens, and Philip L. Varghese.
Nanosecond CARS Measurements of Temperature and Relative CO Concentration in the Boundary Layer of a Graphite Ablator in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch.
AIAA SciTech Forum
January 2024.
Publications, in Review
Nader Al Awar, Hannan Naeem, James Almgren-Bell, George Biros, Milos Gligoric.
Fusing Python Kokkos Kernels.
Supercomputing Conference 2024
April 2024.
Milinda Fernando, Todd Oliver, Umberto Villa, George Biros, Laxminarayan Raja, Philip Varghese, Robert Moser.
A scalable electron-Boltzmann solver for low temperature plasmas.
Supercomputing Conference 2024
April 2024.
Dan Fries, John Murray, Rajkumar Bhakta, Sean Kearney, Noel Clemens, Philip Varghese (November 2021) - 74th Annual Meeting APS DFD.
Temperature measurements in the plume of an inductively coupled plasma torch using CARS.
Dan Fries, Noel Clemens, and Philip Varghese (January 2022) - AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum.
Time Dynamics of an Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch.
Raphael Zanella (January 2022) - International Conference on Advanced Finite Element Methods (ICAFEM).
Finite Element Approximation of the Heat Equation under Axisymmetry Assumption.
Raphael Zanella (January 2022) - International Conference on Advanced Finite Element Methods (ICAFEM).
An Axisymmetric Finite Element Method for Compressible Swirling Flown.
Karen E. Willcox (April 2022) - SIAM UQ.
Learning physics-based models from data: Perspectives from model reduction.
Shane A. McQuarrie (April 2022) - SIAM UQ.
Non-intrusive parametric reduced-order modeling via operator inference.
Karen E. Willcox (May 2022) - Caterpillar, Inc..
Physics-based model reduction approaches to learn low-dimensional surrogate models.
Karen E. Willcox (May 2022) - Ansys TechTalk.
From reduced-order modeling to scientific machine learning: How computational science is enabling the design of next-generation engineering systems.
Shane A. McQuarrie (June 2022) - U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.
Non-intrusive parametric reduced-order modeling via operator inference.
Karen E. Willcox (June 2022) - Department of Energy Workshop on AI for Science, Energy, and Security.
Artificial intelligence for the prediction and control of complex systems.
Karen E. Willcox (August 2022) - NASA Engineering Safety Center, Structures Technical Discipline Team Annual Meeting.
From reduced-order modeling to scientific machine learning: How computational sicence is enabling the design of next-generation aerospace systems.
Shane A. McQuarrie (September 2022) - SIAM MDS.
Non-intrusive parametric reduced-order modeling via operator inference.
Matteo Croci (September 2022) - University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering.
Flexible multi-output multifidelity uncertainty quantification via MLBLUE.
Shane McQuarrie (October 2022) - American Mathematical Society Western Sectional.
Bayesian operator inference for data-driven reduced-order modeling.
Shane McQuarrie (October 2022) - Chesapeake Large Scale Analytics Conference.
Bayesian operator inference for data-driven reduced-order modeling.
Ruairi O’Connor (October 2022) - American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Annual Meeting 2022.
Trends and Uncertainty Quantification of Excited State Populations in Capacitively Coupled Argon Plasmas.
James Almgren-Bell, Nader Al Awar, Dilip Geethakrishnan, Milos Gligoric, and George Biros (November 2022).
A Multi-GPU Python Solver for Low-Temperature Non-Equilibrium Plasmas.
Lee Hochan, Ruys William, Yan Yineng, Stephens Sean, You Bozhi, Fingler Henrique, Henriksen Ian, Peters Arthur, Burtscher Martin, Milos Gligoric, Karl Schulz, Pingali Keshav, Christopher J. Rossbach, Mattan Erez, and George Biros (November 2022) - The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC 2022).
A Python Orchestration System for Heterogeneous Architectures.
Dan Fries, Noel Clemens, Philip Varghese (November 2022) - 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.
Characterization of periodic changes in an inductively coupled plasma using emission spectroscopy (among other things).
Shane McQuarrie (November 2022) - SIAM TX/LA Sectional, Houston, TX.
Bayesian operator inference for data-driven reduced-order modeling.
Shane McQuarrie (February 2022) - SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Bayesian operator inference for data-driven reduced-order modeling.
Shane McQuarrie (March 2023) - SIAM SEAS Sectional, Blacksburg, VA.
Non-intrusive parametric reduced-order modeling via operator inference.
Ruairi O’Connor (June 2023) – PSAAP Forum.
Argon Kinetics Model Validation.
Ruairi O’Connor (July 2023) - Gordon Research Conference: Laser Diagnostics in Energy and Combustion Science.
Optical Emission Spectroscopy in Support of Laser Absorption Interpretation.
Ruairi O’Connor (October 2023) - 76th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference.
Spectroscopic Studies of Non-Equilibrium Low Temperature Argon Plasmas.
Juan Barberena (October 2023) - 76th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference.
Argon chemical kinetics model with uncertainty quantification for simulations of a capacitively coupled plasma discharge.
Martin Burtscher (November 2023) - International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis.
A GPU Algorithm for Detecting Strongly Connected Components.
Dan Fries (January 2024) - AIAA SciTech Forum.
Nanosecond CARS Measurements of Temperature and Relative CO Concentration in the Boundary Layer of a Graphite Ablator in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch.
Juan Barberena (January 2024) - AIAA SciTech Forum.
Argon chemical kinetics model development with UQ applied to a non-equilibrium capacitive plasma discharge.
Parla - https://github.com/ut-parla/Parla.py
PyKokkos - https://github.com/kokkos/pykokkos
CrossPy - https://https://github.com/bozhiyou/crosspy
RCHOL - https://github.com/ut-padas/rchol
TPS - https://github.com/pecos/tps
Bayesian UQ Framework for Electron Collision Cross-sections - https://github.com/pecos/lxcat-review
One-dimensional Torch Simulator - https://github.com/pecos/torch1d
Toward a Machine Learning-Assisted Kernel with LAKE - https://github.com/utcs-scea/LAKE
Reconfigurable Virtual Memory for FPGA-Driven I/O - https://github.com/utcs-scea/amorphos-fsrf
BLUEST: Python package for single- and multi-output multilevel best linear unbiased estimation - https://github.com/croci/bluest
ECL-SCC - https://github.com/burtscher/ECL-SCC